Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Miss Essay

1. Be able to address the range of communication requirement in own role 1.1 Review the range of groups and individuals whose communication needs must be addressed in own job role. Working within Surestart I work with many groups and individuals whose communication needs must be addressed which include 16 staff members, services users to date we have 1700 families registered with Surestart. We would have a lot of communication with Health visitors regarding referrals that they have sent in and also follow up telephone calls if there is any concerns with the family. I would also have contact with social services and be asked to attend case review meetings. I would also be expected to communicate with other agencies to refer our service users on the appropriate agencies for example other children centres, counsellors, women’s Aid and Hidden Harm Social worker, 1.2 Explain how to support effective communication within own job role Effective communication and interaction play a very important role in the work of everybody that works within Surestart. I feel that how I support effective communication is by setting a good example to staff. With communication been so important for the day to day running of the centre, each staff member would be asked to write in the diary in the main office so people can know where they are (this is for the save guarding of staff if they are out of the office, lone worker policy) There is also a white board in the main office so when staff are in programmes other staff are aware of this and that the parents/baby room are booked. I would also support communication by attending staff meeting ever second week and staff are told that they must attend once a month. There is also an open door policy as sometimes there is information that staff do not want to share in a team meeting as there maybe difficulties within the team and they would like to share information on a one to one basic. 1.3 Analyse the barriers and challenges to communication within own job role The barriers and challenges that I would face is staff working part time,  staff out doing programme and also may be difficult feeling between staff members. The other barriers and challenges that I would face is staff do not take on board what you are saying to them as they feel they are right so they do not even listen to what you are trying to explain. Some people may pick you up wrong on the information you are trying to get across. 1.4 Implement a strategy to overcome communication barriers Make sure I speak very clear, focus on what information I would like them to take on board. Supervision on a monthly basis, open door policy if anyone has a problem they can talk about it. Staff can ring and send emails at any time. The childcare supervisor meets with the childcare team every morning to make sure that all crà ¨ches have enough staff and if they have any concerns regarding the children. There is also a referral meeting once a week where we discuss the referral that health visitor/social workers have send in and also to discuss and concerns we would have regarding the parents. I also send rely slips to social worker / health visitor to let them know if a home visit has been completed or if we have been unable to contact the family. 1.5 Use different means of communication to meet different needs I am aware that each staff member has different learning styles, some staff like sharing information in a group and other staff like to share information in a one to one. It is also very important for me to take this on board as I do not want any member of the team feeling frustrated and ineffective. I want staff to be able to trust me and let them see that I value the work that they do. The different means of communication I use to meet different needs are. Emails are a very effective means of communication as each staff members gets the information at the same time and not second hand. Emails can be sent at any time and also printed out to file or record information that has been sent or received. Team meeting again are a very good as all staff are getting the same information and this is a nice way for other staff to meet and let everyone else know how things are going and if anyone is finding a family or child diffi cult then there is the support of the whole team for ideas of how to handle a situation. If anyone cannot make it then the team minutes are there to read. Telephone if I am not in the office I can still be reached on my mobile if anyone needs anything.  Health visitor/Social worker would also contact me by telephone if they needed an update on a family. Staff diary in the main office this lets staff members know who is in which room and if anyone is on leave or sick or if someone has an appointment. Sign in and out sheet beside the exit door this is for safety reasons as if there was a fire in the building then I would know who is in and out Reply slips are back to the health visitors/social worker as an update for the referral they have send in. Letters to parents this is to invite them along to programmes/events. Thought-out the year I would facilitate information mornings for breastfeeding support, weaning work shop and feeding for under 5’s this would be to share inform ation to welcome new service users to the Surestart. Face to face, my office is open to all staff at any time if they need to talk about anything. CU2941 Use and develop systems that promote communication 2. Be able to improve communication systems and practise support positive outcomes for individuals 2.1 Monitor the effectiveness of communication systems and practices. The diary in the front office if very effective for staff on home visit as we know where there are for their safety (lone worker policy). white board in the main office is very effective as this is where all staff write down their programmes so if there is any phone calls for staff the secretary knows if they are in the office or in programmes. Emails can be sent at any time and it means that the same information is been told to the staff at the same time and it is also the staffs responsible to pick up their emails. The childcare supervisor meets with the childcare staff each morning I feel that this is very effective as this is in place to make sure that all rooms are covered with their ratio, and most importantly that the needs of the children are met and if there is any problem in any of the setting it can be addressed as needed and that staff do not have to wait 2 weeks for a team meeting to discuss. One to on e communication i.e. Supervision and APR, I feel that this is very important within a setting. N-Drive – this is where documents can be saved and all staff can access it. In our office we have a policy of hot desking so documents can accessed at any computer. This is also for Surestart forms and newsletters so all staff can print them out as needed. Reply slips to health visitors/social worker/other agencies – this is where I reply to any referral letter that the project receives, I would reply to the other agencies if this family had received a home visit and services offered, if I was unable to contact the family for different reasons or if the family did not want to avail of Surestart services. Phone – if I cannot be reached at any time then a message can be left for me to return there call. 2.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of existing communication systems and practice Evaluating the effectiveness of existing communication systems and practice I am going to start with the ones I feels are the most effective. One to One Communication – I feel that this works very well within a team as some staff members do not like to speak in front of other and feel that their ideas might not be good enough. I also feel that face to face communication is very effective as some people can pick up a message wrong and take the wrong tone with an email. Supervision – this is there for staff to talk confidently with their manger I feel that this is very effective means of communication for the manger to tell how well things are going for that member of staff and for the staff member to say how they really feel about how things are going. ( I also feel that you have to have a good relationship with your staff for this to work, you have to be relaxed and friendly and staff members also have to trust you). Supervision is also very effective as this give staff clear boundaries of what is expected of them for the month a head and also make sure they are on target to achieve the targets in their APR. Team meetings – I also think this is effective as this can let everybody know how programmes are going if there is any follows to do with families in any of the programmes. If anyone is having any difficulties if any of the programmes is nice to get other ideas how to deal with it. It is also there for sharing information for the Surestart board and action for children. To let staff know what training is coming up. ARP- I have been working in a Surestart setting for the last 11 years, I feel that this is the first year I have felt that an APR has been effective like the rest of communication systems if it is not done right then it will not  be effective. APR is there to set goal and targets for the year ahead, I feel this is very important for staff as they know what is expected of them for the year ahead and then this is monitored at each supervision to make sure that staff in on track with their targets. Childcare meeting every morning – I feel that this is very effective as each member of the childcare team no where they are each day and who is covering in each setting and also if any member of the childcare team is concerned about a child this is discussed each morning. Emails- I feel has pro and con. It is very effective in a way that emails can be sent at any time and is very good for all staff to receive the information at the same time. I also feels that staff can pick the tone of emails up wrong and some information is best said face to face. Reply letter to health visitors/social workers/other agencies – I feel that this is a very effective The diary in the front office – This is effective if everyone plays there part in filling it in. If someone is on training or off on A/L and forgets to fill it in then it is very hard for other staff to know where they are. N-Drive – This is effective as all the Surestart form and standard letters are on it as well as newsletters. It is also that as this is used while hot desking it means that the documents that are placed on this drive can be accessed by the whole team so if I was saving any confidential information I would also password protect it. Phone – I do feel that this is effective as if I am not available by phone or mobile then a message can also be left. 2.3 Propose improvements to communication systems and practices to address any short comings I feel that communication can always be improved as we are only human and staff do forget to pass on messages, response to emails, and even fill in the diary in the main office. I have proposed that each desk has message pad so that all messages have to written down. I have proposed that the main diary is to be brought to the team meeting so that if anyone has any leave booked, any visits arranged or training then this can go into the diary. I would also remind everybody at team meeting about remembering to fill in the diary I have also propose that the reply slips to the health visitors/social workers be changed as I feel it could be improved. 2.4 Lead the implementation of revised communication system and practices CU 2941 Use and develop systems that promote communication 3. Be able to improve communication systems to promote partnership working 3.1 Use communication systems to promote partnership working The systems that we use to promote partnership working is:  One to one communications – I meet with the health visitor for breastfeeding once a week. Also any of the health visitors are welcome to call in at any time. Some health visitors like to bring parents that are hard to engage into the centre to meet me to show them around the building and meet the staff. I would also have contact face to face with our families on a daily basis through programmes and also registrations. Phone call – health visitors/social services and other agencies would phone for update and regarding case review meetings. Families would also phone on a daily basis if they needed help with anything or information. Post – we post letters to the agencies if we are unable to reach the families or if they no longer wish to be involved with the service. I would also post letters and newsletter to families. Emails – some agen cies like to send email as it is a faster way for them and this is ok with me as long as it is recorded. Referral reply – this is a letter drawing and signed by Surestart parents that we have permission to send it back to the health visitors to say we have been in contact and the Surestart services have been offered. Information events – this is different events for Surestart to promote their services. 3.2 Compare the effectiveness of different communications systems for partnership working I feel within waterside Surestart the systems we use are very effective. One to one communication I feel is very effective as this can reassure service users and colleagues and also outside agencies, you can focus on the goal. I can be supportive and positive to all that need it. I can also assess the services users’ needs and provide them with the support  needed and I also feel that this builds trust and relationships. Phone call – I feel that this is a very effective way of communicating as some health visitor/social worker/other agencies need an update ASAP as they may be on their way to a review meeting. All if a member of staff is not on the office this is a good way of communicating. As my role as family support worker I be in contact with families every day on the phone, may it be they have a question or I am inviting the families to programmes or arranging home visits. E mails – This is a very effective way that I communicate in Surestart, supervision notes to be sent 3 says before supervision, team meeting are to be sent and read before the meeting. Agencies are able to send emails / newsletters. Referral Response – I feel that this is a very effective way that Surestart communicate. This is send to health visitors/social workers who send in a referral this is to show the agencies that we have made contact with that family or that we have tried to contact the family and after 4 weeks we are unable to reach them. Information events – I feel that this is not really effective as we work on catchment areas and this is very hard to have an event in a general area, it has to be within the area, as we do not like to turn people away that may be interested in the service, as when agencies send in referrals they have a list of streets that is inside the catchment area and only if there is a need then they can be outside the area. 3.3 Propose to improvements to communications systems for partnership working I do believe that communication within waterside Surestart has got a lot better in the last year, I feel that this has a great deal to do with our new manager, she has gained the trust and respect of the staff and in return it is a pleasure to work with. I feel that I have a great leader to follow and learn a great deal from. The only improvement that could be made is that a leaflet could be drawn up for families that are outside the catchment area so that they leave with something rather than going away with no information (this is in the process on being done). I am also assisting the upgrade of the referral response form so that families sign this form so that we have permission to hold their information and that we are allow to send the form back to the referrer. CU2941 Use and develop systems that promote communications 4. Be able to use systems for effective information management 4.1 Explain legal and ethical tensions between maintaining confidentiality and sharing information Working with in a Surestart setting for the last 11 years, I know that confidentiality is very important. It’s important for agencies and services users to build a trusting relationship with me. I am very honest with the people I work with, when I am completing a registration form with parents I do tell them that their details will stay in a locked filing cabinet for 7 years, that there information is stored on a database password protected until there child/ren turn 4. I also let the parents know that under the data protection act they are able to see their file at any time. Parents also sign a form that we are able to share information with the health visitor and other agencies involved if we have any concerns regarding the child or parents. When I have taking programmes with parents I also start with group rules. Confidentiality always comes up, I always tell parents that what ever is discussed at the group I do not take it outside of the group, I can only speak for myself but that I would hope that everyone would stand by this too. I also always make it very clear to parents that if anything is discussed or disclosed any information regarding harm or danger or abuse to a child/ren then I will past this information on to my manger and the appropriate authorises. (Children’s order 1995, child safety is paramount) I feel that if I am honest with all the people that I work with then I do believe that you build up a trust and that by law I have to report and record all that is disclosed to me, although I did have a parent in the past that did not understand this, they felt that I was just reporting them to social services and she believed that social services where there to take her child away. This lady did not return to Surestart as what she disclosed I had to discuss with my manger. 4.2 Analyse the essential features of information sharing agreements within and between organisations Under the data protection act 1998, the purpose of the act is to protect the rights and privacy of individuals and to ensure that data about them are not processed without their knowledge and are processed with their consent whenever possible, this act covers personal data held in electronic formats, manual data and relevant filing systems. Surestart has devised a form that has recently been updated by my colleagues and myself, this form is where we get service users to sign that they agree Surestart is able to keep their details in a secure place for up to seven years, and that if we had any concerns regarding the child that we would contact the appropriate service also that if there is a social worker involved that we are able to update them on any programmes they attend for case review meetings. Health visitors would send in referral form with parent’s consent, what happens is we then phone that family and do a home visit and in that visit we fill out the Surestart forms wi th the families details on it, the consent for is then signed and sent back to the health visitor to say we have completed a visit this is what programmes they would like to attend, I would also send back a form to the heath visitor if that family did not wish to avail of Surestart services or that I could not reach them. These forms are kept with the registration and filed in a locked cabinet. When I am facilitating a programme within Surestart I always do group rules, parents can put what they like on it, confidentially always comes up, I just remind parents that what happens in the group will stay in the group with me, but I can only speak for myself and not the rest of the group and I do tell them that It would not be nice to hear anyone talking bad about another parent. I do inform the parents that if there anything disclosed within the group that has caused abuse of harm to a child them I am bound by action for children policies and procedures and under the children order act 1995 to past this information on to my manger and the appropriate services, I do tell the parents that I would discuss this with them before I reported what I have heard. 4.3 Demonstrate use of information management systems that meet legal and ethical requirement Under the data protection act 1998 Surestart need permission to hold data on the families that I work with, how this is done is that all parents have to sign the registration form and also the consent for their details to be stored according to action for children policies and procedures, which is that their details are stored for up to seven years, in a locked filing cabinet and up to four years on the Surestart database. Under the children’s order 1995 I am bound to report anything that I have heard or seen that my or has caused harm to a child. This would also be discussed with the parent/s what information I would be passing on to my manger. This also gives the parent an opportunity to explain. The information my lead to a referral been made to social services.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

English 79 Essay on Role Models

English 79 Role Models Some humans feel that â€Å"people such as entertainers and athletes are ideal role models for young people. † I disagree with that. In fact, I feel the opposite is true. I have seen many cases where young people end up in all sorts of trouble because they where imitating something that an entertainer or athlete did. People such as entertainers and athletes are poor role models for young people. To begin with, entertainers and athletes usually live immoral lives. Even if their mouths are not polluted with foul language, their actions are unwholesome.An example who comes to mind is Barry Bonds, who took drugs to improve his sports performance. Other athletes take drugs to improve their physical appearance. This is a horrible example for young people. Similarly, many entertainers they too are morally unclean. It seems like every other day I hear about an entertainer who has a drug or alcohol problem. You can read about all of their slip-ups in the newspape r. Their various problems are also portrayed by the media. Sometimes movies are made about their addictions. Songs have been written about their very risque lifestyles.Both of these cases prove that athletes and entertainers usually live immoral lives. Moreover, entertainers and athletes usually do not have a satisfying, nor life-long career. They may become outdated or out of style, or they may get hurt. For instance, entertainers usually don’t have a long career, because they get replaced. A younger generation is brought into the spot light, and the older generation is pushed out of the spot light. Similarly trends change so frequently, that what was once popular before is now out of style. With that comes the challenge of pleasing people’s demand for the newest, and the best.All of that would make me want to end my career too. Likewise, athletes face numerous physical problems causing harm to their bodies. Many break bones, or injure themselves beyond the point of r epair. Often an athlete retires at an early age permanently injured and severely crippled. Just think about Bo Jackson, who had to give up his football and baseball careers because he injured his hip while playing. As shown by these two examples, entertainers and athletes usually don’t have a satisfying, life-long career. Lastly, entertainers and athletes do not live in the â€Å"real† world.They are not in touch with reality and live extremely extravagant lives. For example, you can look at almost all of the athlete’s homes, and you find not just normal houses, but plush mansions. Their incredibly large homes house only a few people. Most require the best of the best in everything. Many people can’t even afford to eat, yet athletes chow down on Kobe beef and caviar. How can somebody actually spend so much money on things that really are not necessary? Finally, entertainers and athletes do not receive repercussions for their bad actions.If caught driving under the influence, they rarely spend one night in jail. I have seen so many court cases where a â€Å"star† was merely given a warning. Had they been a â€Å"normal† person they would have gone straight to jail. Entertainers must have a get out of jail free card, or something. Not only are they endangering themselves, but also everyone around them. Judges just don’t pay any attention to that. Look at Jack Nicholson, who was caught driving while heavily intoxicated; he only had to pay a very small fee. Entertainers are let off the hook way too easily, and athletes have too much money to spend.In these instances it is obvious that entertainers and athletes do not live in the â€Å"real† world. As you can see, entertainers and athletes are poor role models for young people. With all of the evidence brought forth, how on earth could they be a good role model for anyone? Entertainers and athletes usually live immoral lives and they do not have a satisfying, or life-long career. Also, they are not in touch with the â€Å"real† world. Unfortunately, many people still believe that athletes and entertainers are good role models for young people.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Business Ethics, Governance and Social Responsibility Assignment

Business Ethics, Governance and Social Responsibility - Assignment Example There has been a drastic change in the corporate environment over the years, and owing to the increasing technological development, people across the globe are not only more connected to one another but also have become aware of the negative consequences of irresponsible corporate governance on the part of giant multinational organizations. As a result, firms today are increasingly under pressure to perform not only financially, but also ethically as well. The managers and leaders are of organizations are now increasingly expected to address a range of social and environmental causes and problems including climate change, poverty, and even HIV/ AIDS. It is due to this changing facet of corporate governance and the increasing popularity of concepts such as Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Ethics and Ethical leadership, that the organizations are now required to be increasingly responsible and transparent in their approach in order to maintain their credibility, brand image an d public trust in the industry, or risk facing wide scale public backlash and pay millions of dollars in fines and compensations. Business ethics refers to "the study of business situations, activities, and decisions where issues of right and wrong are addressed" (Crane & Matten, 2010, p. 5). This definition is used in this study to discuss the ethical stance of the Royal Dutch Shell Plc., and the various key issues surrounding the company. With regard to organizations, the concept of ethics refers to the transparency in its corporate activities, accurate reporting of accounting and financial statements, and honest disclosure of its health and safety policies as well as the likely impact of its activities on the community and the environment at large. Business ethics and ethical reporting of business activities by companies has assumed increased significance over the years. Hence it has become imperative for organizations involved in business such as Oil &

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Interview Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Interview - Article Example In the budget, the expected needs of each department in the institution are outlined and matched with the existing resources. In addition, budgeting makes the decision-making process expeditious as all capital structure decisions are always made during budgeting. It is paramount to note that the budget instrument is the only recognized tool for communicating financial requirements to the funders of public institutions. Apart from internal organizations that influence the budgeting process, there exist external forces that determine the allotment in each department. In this case, these forces usually influence the budgeting process by making recommendations and distributing circulars that dictate on various items in the budget statement. It should be noted that public institutions are mainly funded from the public coffer and hence the entire budgeting process is often subjected too much oversight and supervision. Apart from the oversight practices, the board of directors managing a given institution seeks to their interests in the budget. Their main interest is to influence and to have control over the fee pooled from the learner. In this case, the independence of the budgeting officers is not guaranteed. When filling vacant positions in the budgeting offices, all interested parties in a given institution often feel comfortable when their choices are picked. In this case, there exist situations where some candidates with good credentials miss these vacancies. For the obvious reason, every interested party seeks to have people they are comfortable with on budgeting table. History always exonerates diligent officials who occupy budgeting offices at any given time. In most case, the end products justify the process used. In this case, when an institution is hard hit by bad economic time, the budgeting office carries all the blame. Going with the history, many budgets fail to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Flip The Funnel Reflection paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Flip The Funnel Reflection - Research Paper Example The book named ‘Flip the Funnel’ shows a triangular relationship between good old-fashioned fundamentals of business, future-focused vision of the business leaders and most importantly, common sense. This book allows the development of a totally new way of thought thinking and provides space for turning the existing conventional practices upside down in order to develop a new way of thinking (Jaffe, 2010, p. 270). This new methodology has taught me the way in which businesses can expand through shrinking costs. Reduction in costs would also allow shrinking the financial budget. It helps managers to adopt strategies about achieving higher yield from making less investment and incurring lesser costs. This new process focuses not only on profit maximization but also on the needs of the customers, so as to induce them to satisfy their needs by spending their money with the particular company. Underpinnings of the new theory According to my perception, the Flip the Funnel the ory concentrates on two underutilized constituencies in the marketing field; the customer evangelists and the employees of the company. This theory on one hand focuses on the prospective customers that are not exiting customers of the company but who might become loyal customers of the brand in future. On the other hand, it also focuses on the employees. Employees are also customers at the other end of the funnel. This potential has remained unexplored and if exploited can yield good benefits. The method of flipping the funnel is different from the acquisition principle of the traditional marketing funnel that emphasizes on generating new business from new customers (Court, Elzinga, Mulder & Vetvik, 2009). In difficult times the company does not have the opportunity of mitigating risks, cutting costs or make a tradeoff between quality and quantity, since quality helps the company to keep its reputation alive. On the contrary, the company has to improve its commitment and make wise i nvestment decisions. All activities of the business affect customer decision and therefore affect the future performance of the business. Although for big businesses the effect of these activities sometimes appears to be insignificant, often actually they are game changing. I have learnt from the book that customer experience, short term interactions between the company (its brand, products and customer service) and its customers and long term business performance, are inter-related. Therefore these activities are potential enough to significantly impact future sales; both in terms of repeat purchases by the existing customers and also new business generated from the existing customers. Therefore, Jaffe has put it convincingly that there should be no hesitation regarding flipping the funnel in modern business activities but, the doubt should be cleared regarding the appropriate time at which the funnel can be flipped. Also the question, that how much the tunnel should be flipped, ha s to be answered well ahead of actually practicing the method of turning the traditional marketing tunnel (Jaffe, 2010, p. 271). This new method advocates a strong idea; a company-customer pact should be followed that imbues the idea of partnership between these two parties. New approaches to marketing The book demonstrates several examples by

American women's rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American women's rights - Essay Example "The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man towards woman". The middle class elites felt ashamed of themselves of the social conditions of the poor and thus taken the social duty strongly from their long traditions for the progressives to be made in the sense of the poor. The impulse spread from farmers to politicians to put the effort to reform. Therefore Roosevelt became the first president to support the labor and assigned the government a direct role and duty to all the people. The new women’s colleges were opened and there the female reformers were educated. These females who were white middle class young women handled the â€Å"problem â€Å" of Immigrant, who constituted â€Å"dark skinned† Italians, peasant Jews and immigrants from southeastern Europe. The middle class women were barred to possess the professional educational qualifications pursue Consumer’s League, and â€Å"Americanizing† centers known as settlement houses. These organizations targeted to wipe off the corruption and vice bred by the men their career. So, the women formed into groups and had built themselves as associations to take active part in the public life. Some of the associations are Women’s Trade Union League, the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, and the National. Referred as â€Å"women of achievement†.The women succeeded in their campaign to get the right to vote. But their battle of suffrage lasted for as long as from 1848 to 1920, in the year 1920 nineteenth amendment granted 26 million women, half of the nations population, the right to vote. ... The Civil Rights Law of the 1960s was stepping stone for those who fought for America's promise of equal rights for all. "The making of the English working class and the rise of respectful society". "The Virginia Declaration of Rights was a document proclaiming that individual natural rights are inherent, and calling for American independence from Britain"5. The movement of women, for suffrage began at Seneca Falls. The American Society challenged severely the efforts of women that they cannot cross the threshold of men. But as the situation prolonged, the women got educated, and their movement turned out to be a respectable one. By 1910, the movement developed into a mass movement. In England too it was the same condition, the women were aggressive to sweep out their miseries and were carrying their movement for fundamental rights. In both the nations, by 1919, the Amendment Act was passed for women granting their right to vote. "Black history has been overshadowed by white interpretation for a very long time, even in locations where the majority population was black. Visit a Southern plantation and you will learn about the lifestyle of the owners, but very little about the slaves who made that lifestyle possible"6 Detroit, the city was known as the "arsenal of Democracy" during the Second World War. The city of Detroit required a large number of labors who came from Africa. They were not given accommodation and like this the riots erupted which turned to be the bloodiest in the history of he nation. This racial conflict has begun very long past in 1863 and lasted till 1941. The racial riots have a long history in Detroit.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Leadership and Corporate Culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Leadership and Corporate Culture - Research Paper Example Leadership is a way of making sure that the right things are done, and in the right time. Leaders should possess a great social intelligence, a motivation for change, and a vision that directs their sights on values that merit attention. 2. Change is inevitable in any organization, and as a leader, it is important to make sure that all the employees are comfortable with any transition (Davis, 2003). The strategy that I will use will be the self-actualization strategy. I will coach the rest of the employees on the benefits of the change towards achieving their potential. This strategy that cultivates the employees to leaders, through mentorship. I can arrange for regular meetings with the employees to discuss their priorities. These meetings may help the employees to stay on track in relation to adoption and acceptance of the change. Coaching the staff is beneficial to everyone in the organization (Northouse, 2004). By coaching, I do not only mean helping the employees with their job skills, which could mean that I am training them. The coaching will involve a long-term relationship with the staff that is aimed at guiding them-this has a great impact. Training combined with coaching increases productivity, and the ch ances of embracing the change will be high. I will emphasize to the employees that they need an outside input, which will assist them in achieving their potential. This external output is aimed at evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses, which determine the extent to which they self-actualize. 3. The traits emphasize on my personality as a leader. They are strongly associated with my perception of leadership. Intelligence gives me a strong ability to communicate, and have good reasoning capacity. Self-confidence gives me the certainty of my degree of competency and skills. It gives me a high self-esteem, and assurance that I am able to make a difference as a leader (Branchard, 2012). Determination gives me the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Starbucks's Corporate Ethics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Starbucks's Corporate Ethics - Case Study Example Sources used include company's official website and two printed books on the subject on CSR. As they say charity begins at home, Starbucks starts its CSR policy with its employees. The firm believes that employees are partners and must be treated with due respect. The company says on its website that one of the key benefits of CSR for the firm has been in the retention of its partners. Howard Schultz, the owner of Starbucks Coffee Co understands the importance of its employees. Ronald Sims in his book, "Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility: Why Giants Fall" appreciates the ethical practices at Starbucks and writes: "Amazingly, Starbucks offers both full- and part-time employees equity in the form of annual stock options. In 1987, when the company was losing hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in its drive for expansion, he extended medical coverage for any "partner" working 20 hours or more. Paying 75 percent of the insurance premium costs Starbucks approximately $1,275 a year per worker, while hiring a new employee costs the company almost twice that amount." (p. 304) Apart from the employee relations, the firm has been integrating CSR into its operation. ... The company also undertook a research to find out how much greenhouse gas emissions could be attributed to its operations. It found that only 18 percent was due to operations and the rest was due to energy use at its locations. This research however did not include Starbucks' foreign locations. Another important area of CSR at Starbucks is sourcing methods. The firm has to procure coffee from suppliers from around the world. The company has been trying to practice ethical means of procurement by buying from suppliers who are on C.A.F.E list of approved coffee-growers. By 2007, 65 percent of its coffee was being purchased from C.A.F.E approved suppliers but the company aims to make it 80 percent by 2013. These are the suppliers who are following rigorous standards for sustainability throughout the supply chain. The firm has been trying to work in harmony with the governments of coffee producing nations. Starbucks feels "these relationships must be mutually beneficial. They must also be collaborative in nature in order to advance measures and practices that contribute to the sustainable production of high-quality coffee - and sustainable livelihoods for farmers and their families." But things have not always been smooth. Starbucks famously got into an argument with Ethiopian government over trademark issues. But over time, this rift was resolved and Starbucks now enjoys a warm relationship with Ethiopian farmers. Starbucks is also involved in community building ventures in supplier nations. For example it understands that a large number of Mayan people depend on coffee for livelihood. The company has been working on educational projects in this region. "For more than a

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The High Australian dollar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The High Australian dollar - Essay Example Even if it becomes difficult to overcome these issues in the short run, Australian economy can be stabilized by providing better education training, tightening the fiscal policy, job opportunity and better standard of living. Over the last few decades, the rise in value of Australian dollar has become a subject of discussion among the economists. The appreciation in real exchange rate refers to the increase in the price of the average domestic goods or services relative to the price of average foreign goods and services. It leads to increase in current account deficits and rising in foreign debt (Henry, 2010). The rise in Australian dollar has both positive and negative impacts on foreign money market and its transactions. Since the value of Australian dollar is high, domestic people have the advantage of buying more products with fewer dollars while travelling in the foreign countries. However, dollar appreciation makes export more expensive in comparison to the other countries and at the same time, value of foreign investment goes up. Though Australia is a large and wealthy country, the value of goods and services produced within the country is not sufficient to meet the demand for its local customers. Thus, foreign trade to exchange of goods and services has become an inevitable part for Australia to survive in the present scenario. However, fluctuation in dollar value has been one of the important factors in deciding the volume of foreign trade and in effect is an indirect indicator of balance of payment and monetary & fiscal policy of the Australian government. The current essay seeks to analyse the extensive implication of currency appreciation of Australian economy over its foreign trade. As per the economic theory, appreciation in the real exchange rate has both positive and negative impacts on an economy. In most of the cases, the impacts are diverse and extensive. In short run, major implication for increase in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Sandmoor Estate Limited Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Sandmoor Estate Limited - Article Example Making an idea actually work could not have been possible without the grace of God, prayers of our parents and support from our friends. Due credit goes to Ms. Aliya Saleem for being such a supportive course instructor as well as a source of information whenever needed. Without her guidance and timely feedback this report could not have been materialized. The company is working well as compared to previous year. However, when an isolated ratio analysis was done, it was revealed that still financial position of the company is not appreciable. Moreover, few discrepancies also exist. Like use of multiple depreciation methods, unclear or incorrect figure of the number of shares, this leads to false ratio analysis of earning per share. Thus it is recommended that the figures should be clearly stated and discrepancies should be avoided. Auditing, though not mandatory in this case, should be done to gain confidence of the stakeholders rapidly. The secondary stage comprises of the discussion about the company with the seniors and the colleagues to get their perspective about the same. Internet research was also done to identify potential weaknesses and their solutions. We tried to study the annual report of the firm under observation from different angles. There are different methods for studying these reports and analyzing it, like ratio analysis and horizontal analysis etc. Each of the method has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, the horizontal method is highly affected by the previous year's performances. Moreover, the micro and macro environment may also vary from one year ot another, the industry situations may also change. To overcome this, we have used the ratio analysis method. Ratio analysis takes the ratios of the quantities of the same year, so there are no chances of the effect of changing environment on the one side of the equation. DESCRIPTION OF THE SYSTEM: The accounting year of the Sandmoor Estates Limited starts at December 1 and ends on November 30 every year. The financial statements are prepared on annual basis. These statements preparation occupies a key position in the financial arena of the organization. These statements not only serves the purpose of

Monday, July 22, 2019

Video game genres Essay Example for Free

Video game genres Essay Today, video games have become the most popular means of entertainment throughout our world. More than three-quarters of American youths have video-game consoles, and on a typical day at least 40 percent play a video game. Moreover, recently there has been a wide range of studies by professors throughout the world all focusing on the idea of whether or not video games are causing the youth to become a more illogical violent society in the future. Moreover, some people believe they are just a waste of precious time. However, they have been proven by many scholars that they are not only the best means of entertainment, but also one of the best sources of learning and improving brain performance and strategies, speed of alertness and decision making, and problem solving skills. Coming up with good strategies can be very handy for our lives whether it be in business, learning, teaching, etc. Nowadays video games have been proved to make people smarter towards creative strategy thinking. For example, it has been stated that â€Å"While there are many games that place a premium on strategy, most set an overall goal and give the gamer numerous ways in which he or she can achieve that goal. † Vila, Monica. 7 Reasons Why Your Son Should Play Video Games. http://www. babble. com/. N. p. , 04 Feb 2013. Web. 4 Nov. 2013. Video games teach kids to think objectively about both the games themselves and their own performance. In addition, players also get instant feedback on their decisions and quickly learn their own strengths and weaknesses through try and error since they get unlimited lives in a video game. Video games have a great effect on the youth regarding decision making. Some researchers compared action video-gamers and non-gamers with a series of simple decision-making experiments. Gamers devoted at least five hours weekly in the year before the experiment to playing action video games, such as Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Halo 2. They presented volunteers with arrays of dots, asked them to identify which way the dots were moving, and varied the number of dots moving in the same direction to make the task easier or harder. Video games get kids to think. There are dozens of video games that are specifically geared towards learning, but even the most basic shooter game teaches kids to think logically and quickly process large amounts of data. Rather than passively absorbing content from, say, a TV show, a video game requires the player’s constant input to tell the story. Moreover, well known sources such as the video games CQ research proved this characteristic about video gaming â€Å"Games stress taking your knowledge and applying it. That’s pretty crucial in the modern world,† says University of Wisconsin Professor of Reading James Gee. † Glazer, Sarah. Video Games. Congressional Quarterly, 2006. 939. Print. Indeed, the argument that video and computer games are superior to school in helping children learn as gaining currency in academic circles. Claimed benefits include improved problem-solving, mastery of scientific investigation and the ability to apply information learned to real-life situations. In conclusion, as you have seen, there is more than just killing and violence in video games. Our future children should be more exposed to video games not only for ways of entertainment, but also for the sake of improving their intelligence whether it be in creating new strategies, enhancing problem solving skills, or even allowing them to make better life decisions.

My Locket Essay Example for Free

My Locket Essay He shuck my by the shoulders, banging my head against the wall. I collapsed to the floor, everything went black, and I woke it to find him on top of me defiling me in the worst possible way. I snapped, I had enough of been pushed around, I would face the devil. He brought his hand back ready to strike, at the same time I brought my foot back and kicked him really hard in the crotch; he doubled over and spat out in shock. He let go of me, he was on the floor doubled over. I looked around me; there was a statue that my dad got mum on their anniversary. Sorry dad, I thought, I turned to the devil still doubled over on the floor. You ruined everything I swung the statue over the mens head. He flopped down head first on to the floor, unconscious. He was still breathing. I ran up stairs, got the backpack from under my bed. I threw all I could find in it, clothes, a few pictures of dad and mum, all the money I had, my mobile. I went down stairs with my pack; he was still unconscious in the middle of our living room floor. I ran out the front door, and caught the next train to London. I didnt know what I was doing I just know that I cant stay here anymore. I thought there must be a better life but no that is how I ended down here in the cold dirty doorway. Chapter 3 I go out around rush hour, when everyone is going to work. I wandered around the middle of the square asking people for money. Please, some change, spare change nearly all the time it is the same answer no or worse f*** off but an odd person would be nice and give me something. I am saving up for a violin. I used to play the violin quite well when dad was alive. I could make some money busking instead of begging. I dont like begging, it is degrading, but then again how much could I be degraded, I am dirty. I would do the same in the afternoon, during the day then I would go around the backs of restaurants asking for any spare food, or scraps. Over the duration of my time on the streets I have learnt which are the restaurants where it is worth asking and ones that you have no chance. After, I would go outside shops and restaurants and ask people for money. But we have just got to watch out because some shop keepers move us on, or worst comes they would get security or the police on to us. This has been my daily routine for the last so many weeks, is this the rest of my life, I cannot go back, the shame. When it was the end of the day and the traffic was thinning the young where starting to come out to party and go to night club. I was in my door of the alleyway. I watched them all having a good time, the laughing and hilarity with friends. I am alone! Chapter 4 Liz locked the door behind her, as she finished a hard days work. She had, had a bad day organising the shop, the accounts, helping out customers. Does this look alright on me? , What do you think? The clothes she sells are all the range at the moment, so her shop is really busy all day long even when it isnt the childrens holidays. Liz really need the hire someone to help out. She ran down the steps.. * I watched the lady closing up a shop, dressed in her stylish black skirt and her expensive white blouse. She jogged down the stairs. What was she doing? She was looking at her phone as she walking into the road. There was a man in the van, paying no attention to the road. I was already running for the lady. * Liz walked out into the road, looking at the text she had got from my husband. COULD YOU PICK SOMETHING UP FOR LUNCH, he could never be bothered in make tea. Then she heard it.. she heard a bellow of a van horn. She looked around and there it was, she couldnt move, frozen to the spot. Then she heard a voice, a girl was running at here move, move out of the way he was coming at speed towards her.   I ran towards her as fast as I could, the van didnt slow down, he was not looking. Will I make it, the van was still moving at a speed. I bent over ready to tackle the lady out the path of the van. I ran in to the road shouting at her, I felt the impact of her thighs on my shoulder. She screamed, did I get to her in time. Chapter 5. I looked around me, there were clubber were all around, in shock of what they just witnessed. Just ahead of me was the lady that was in the middle of the road. She had a cut to her head but otherwise unhurt. Down the road the van stopped and the driver came running over to me. Everyone was talking to me at once, everything was a blur. Someone helped me up; he was saying something to me, I couldnt make it out. The lady came over and sat down beside me, she hugged me and whispered to me in my ear thank you, thank you for saving my life, how could I ever repay you. I was still in shock I tried to stand up but just flopped back down. The lady and the man from the van gave me a hand up. Bring her to my house it is just over the road. The house was enormous; I looked at it in shock. I have really had enough shocks for the day. The lady just smiled at me. We went up the white marble steps up to the dark brown oak front door. They opened the door into a laminate floored hall way, with light brown walls. They took me in the living room. It was huge white walls, cream fluffy carpet, and white and cream fabric sofa. I sat down; it was so warm, I am so grateful for the warmth. I was freezing in my old, dirty doorway for a such a long time, it seemed like forever. Now I am warm and safe in a gorgeous, modern well kept house. The lady came in with some hot tea and some biscuits. She had, had her head seen to now she had a big plaster on her forehead. Her husband came in after her, with a huge smile on his face. He came up to me and said thank you, for saving my wife, if you werent there I dont know what would have happened. The van driver provided his apologies to the lady; she smiled, embraced him and showed him out of her house. She came back to the living room where I was gulping down my tea, she sat down next to her husband. She introduced herself. I am Elizabeth and this is Mike, what is your name? Can we call you family or relatives? I shook my head and whispered my name is Bethany; I left home, I am not going back. Elizabeth and Mike exchanged looks. They were in the mid thirties. Elizabeth is quite beautiful with brown hair and blue eyes. Mike looked a bit more official, he had an expensive suit on. I tried to stand up I better be off, I dont want to be a burden on you anymore I stud up and walk to the door. Where are you going? Mike said as he walked up to me. Where ever I can I replied, they are such a nice couple, and theyre doing well in life. Then they blurted out stay with us at least for tonight till you feel better, we dont have anyone else living with us. We have lots of space here; we cant let you go back out there. Please we insist you stay with us. They smiled at each other, picked up my back pack and showed me to a spare bedroom. Chapter 6 3 years later Well now I am with my new family, I love them so much. They took me in from the streets; removed my shame and understood my problems. My other family didnt look for me, they were dead to me. My new family enrolled my into school as soon as possible, gave me my own room and bought me clothes. They treat me like their daughter, a daughter they never had. I have just finished school in the centre of London called All Saints. I am walking away with 10 good GCSEs and 2 A Levels. I worked so hard to repay Elizabeth and Mike for all the generosity and kindness, they are my new family; my new mum and dad; I love them so much. I am going to Cambridge University to study science and politics and have a part time job with my mum and here fashion shop. My locket is still round my neck but now my real family are within my locket and close to my heart. I still love my birth father but Mike and Elizabeth are my saviours. They were not blessed with children, so they adopted me as their own. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Owner Of E Commerce Website

The Owner Of E Commerce Website Assume you are the owner of an e-commerce website. What are some of the signs that your site has been hacked. Discuss the major types of attacks you could expect to experience and the resulting damage on your site. Prepare a brief report based on your finding. Question 2: You are required to propose website development to one of the IT entrepreneurs in your area. Consider there are two options for building the site in-house with existing staff or outsourcing the entire operation. Discuss which options are in the company best interest and the reason for choosing that option. Provide pros and cons for each option. Prepare a report based on your finding. Introduction E-commerce (electronic commerce), an online business verses the real world trade. E-commerce, including retail shopping, online banking, stock and bond trading, auctions, real estate transactions, airline booking, movie rentals, almost anything you can imagine in the real world. Such as hair, nail salons can benefit from providing e-commerce-related health and beauty product sales, often from local customers is a personal website or service. E-commerce allow consumers to exchange time or accessibility of electronic products and services in the distance. E-commerce, the rapid expansion in the pastfive years, is expected to continue at this rate, or even accelerate. With the traditionaland electronic in the near future, electronic commerce will become in creasingly blurred boundaries, more and more enterprises to embark on a part of Internet business. Willing to create a successful online store can be a difficult path, if not aware of the principles of e-commerce, e-commerce what should be done for your online business. Research and understand the need to properly plan the implementation of guidelines for e-commerce, is a vital part of the online store into and success. However, the network has its limitations, such as trade brought no guarantee of security, the question is who caused the problems, loss of credit card hackers worry about anything. To solve this problem need to rely on web sites and web production design is correct, make a better model, such as security. Web design can be used in two ways through outsourcing or in house to do so. Define Question 1 Computer hacking always involves some infringement of or damage to computer-based, such as documents, Web pages or software privacy attribute level. The impact of computer hackers is simply not the same as the illegal invasion and angry. Surrounded by a mysterious halo, hackers, and prestige, is a relatively elite individual who has knowledge, and willing to take part as a high-risk groups, need to become a true hacker accompanied. An interesting alternative view, however positive, such as hackers and hacker software development ideas, in science and technology. Hackers have a strong interest in computers and persistent pursuit, they continue to study computer and network knowledge, to find a computer and network vulnerability. They are difficult challenge high-level network of interest to find vulnerabilities and attack our networks. We need to know that their criminal acts in order to prevent our site or any invasion. In fact, hackers or computer on our website the number of symbols. Signs that we know what will happen, as long as we can to avoid being hacked. Here are some websites have become a hacker attack signatures. Answer Question 1 There are several different computer virus symptoms, can help us identify the computer from being infected, the virus is one of the potential dangers harmful. These viruses have many different forms and ways, it becomes very difficult for us to adjust the application of each machine. Therefore, all our machines are very easy to attack from computer viruses or other time, sometimes even the best anti-virus software can ignore the harmful viruses. Computer virus symptoms of some common understanding allows us to battle our anti-virus to a good start. A computer virus is a very small program, have the ability to spread from one computer to another, and then destruction of the work and the function of the infected machine. It is important to determine in some cases, even a system crash or virus as soon as it could lead to important data loss situation. There are many computer virus remove program that can help eliminate the risk of computer viruses. In addition, the symptoms of computer viruses possess some distinct characteristics, if your machine has been infected, most likely you will immediately see the results. The computers basic work will be greatly affected, due to the performance of computer failure, you will not run, I assure you, the use of early implementation of many functions. Such as computer running than normal, more slowly for no apparent reason. The exception of certain types of files does not run the file or the Task Manager. File is a spyware and viruses, such as different forms of the symptoms of abnormalities that may affect the background files on your computer suddenly slow down the busy work and the speed of the computer. They tend to hackers hijack your bandwidth, so the eyes of your system for their own purposes. Internet activities are not add-remove any programs used to access the Internet, it will suddenly slow Internet access. When you return to the desktop wallpaper and icons. Major types of attacks Virus In a computer, computer virus is a program or programming code that is copied or start by copying to another program, computer boot sector or file. Virus can be transmitted, such as file attachments in e-mail to download the instructions, or on or floppy disk or CD-ROM. Direct source of the e-mail note, downloaded file, you have received or floppy disk usually does not know it contains a virus. Some viruses wreak their effect, because once their code enforcement; other viruses lie dormant until circumstances cause their code, by the computer to perform. Some viruses are benign or playful in intent and effect (Happy Birthday, Ludwig!) And some can be quite harmful, delete data or cause the need to reformat the hard disk. Worm In the computer, the worm is a self-replicating virus file, but will not change in the active memory-resident and a copy of itself. Worm uses the operating system is automatic, users do not usually visible. It is common for worms to be noticed only when they can not control replication consumes system resources, slow down or stop other tasks. If your computer is experiencing performance issues, most recently, you might want to know if your computer has been infected with a worm or virus. Self-education is a great way to start when troubleshooting your computer. Once you understand your possible causes of performance problems, you are so much better equipped to repair things, and can calculate your life. DOS Denial of Service (DoS) attack is one in which the user or organization is a resource service, they will usually expect to be deprived of the event. In a distributed denial of service, a lot of damage to the system (sometimes referred to as a botnet) attack a target. Although DoS attacks are usually not lead to information or other security, the loss of security, which can cost the target person or company the time and a lot of money. Typically, loss of service is a specific network services, such as email, can not provide all network connections and services, or temporary loss. A denial of service attack can also destroy the affected computer programming systems and documentation. In some cases, denial of service attacks, forcing millions of people visit the corporate Web site suspension. Trojan horse In the computer, the Trojan horse is a malicious or harmful code is harmless on the inner surface of the program or in such a way that it can be controlled and damage in the form of their choice, including procedures, such as data on the hard drive destruction File Allocation Table disk. In one famous example of a Trojan horse is that this would have to find and destroy computer virus program. Trojan horses can be widely redistributed as part of computer viruses. Marco virus Macro viruses requires the user to take action to implement once they are downloaded to your computer, or to systems approach. The virus is usually written in a scripting language commonly used to create applications for use in the macro. Some of these macro viruses on the computer system failure than a security threat. One example is the text in Microsoft Word macro virus to generate a popular, specific key combination is pressed. Define Question 2 Outsourcing is often used when a company needs as part of the business, this part of the conditions to another company. Recently, the relevant provisions have been widely used in technology-related initiatives, such as transfer to a third party IT service desk. But it also refers to non-technical services, such as customer service by phone deal. Outsourcing activities are generally in the same country. When the companys involvement in another continent, such as India, use the correct term is offshore outsourcing. Nearshore outsourcing is the outsourcing of other national projects, but as a U.S. company outsourcing activities in Canada, with the mainland, the company will be called nearshore outsourcing. Although the main objective of outsourcing is often lower costs, many companies are not cost-effective. In particular, Gartner predicts that by 2007 80% of companies that outsource customer service, the main objective of cost-cutting plan, will not try. This statistical data is one of the reasons behind the outsourcing companys staff turnover rate is high, and sometimes 80-100%. This will combine the loss of customers, from frustration because the hidden costs and consumer costs are obvious, outsourcing of contact, if not carefully monitored, can easily fail. Answer Question 2 Advantages of outsourcing When you evaluate your choices and your outsourcing various components of the decision, you need to consider the advantages of outsourcing. When done for the right reasons, outsourcing will actually help your company grow and save money. Some outsourcing services, beyond the money, and so on. Here are the top seven of the outsourcing advantage. Focus On Core Activities In the period of rapid growth, the companys back-office operations will also be expanded. This expansion may begin in the consumption of the core that have made your company successful event cost resources (human and financial). Outsourcing these activities will allow these commercial activities is not sacrificing quality or service office in the background, an important re-positioning. For example: A company land a major contract will significantly increase in a very short period of time purchases; outsourcing of procurement. Operational Control Operating cost, we must consider outsourcing. Departments may have evolved over time into out of control, poor management field is the main motive for outsourcing. In addition, the outsourcing company can bring better management skills, your company than the original. For example: information technology, there are too many projects, not enough people contribute far beyond the budget of the organization. Based management contract for the outsourcing agreement will force the priority of its request, control returns to the area. Cost And Efficiency Savings Back to the office of the complexity, but the size of your company is unable to perform in a consistent and reasonable cost is your function is another advantage of outsourcing. For example: A small doctors office, a variety of insurance plans. Part-time people cant keep up with all the different suppliers and rules. Outsourced to a company specializing in medical costs. Develop Internal Staff For large projects that require the necessary skills, your employees do not. Site outsourcing skills, you will bring your companys needs. The work you love, they can acquire new skills. For example: Companies need to embark on a replacement / upgrade of various items of custom equipment. You did not ask the engineers to design new skills and upgrade equipment. Outsourcing outsourcing project engineers, field engineers and requirements, will help you gain new skills. Reduced Overhead Back-office functions to perform specific administrative costs are very high. Considering outsourcing, you can easily move. For example: economic growth, thereby increasing the demand for office space. The current location is very expensive, no room to expand. Outsourcing some simple operations, reduce office space needs. For example, make phone calls or data entry. Continuity Risk Management High employee turnover will increase during the uncertainty and contradictory actions. The level of outsourcing will provide continuity, while reducing the risk of the company will bring the operation of substandard level of the company. For example: Human Resources Manager is a long-term sick leave and two new executive assistant position in a very short period of time remains. Outsourcing human resource functions to reduce risk and allow the company to continue to operate. Staffing Flexibility Outsourcing will allow operators to bring in seasonal or cyclical demand more resources, when you need them, release them when youre done. For example: whether the accounting department of tax season is short, the transfer audit. Outsourcing these functions to provide more time and resources a lot of fixed costs of long-term agreement. Disadvantages of outsourcing When you assess your outsourcing options, remember, there are advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing outsourcing. Outsourcing listed below to see one of the weaknesses of each, and decided how the project will impact on your business. If the advantages outweigh its disadvantages outsourcing outsourcing, you should avoid outsourcing. Loss of Managerial Control Whether you sign with another companys contract to perform a single task to the entire department or function, you move to another companys management and control functions. In fact, you will have a contract, but management will belong to another company. Your outsourcing company will not be driven by the same standards and tasks to promote your company. They will be forced from their service to you and your other business profits. Bad Publicity The word outsourcing reminds me of different things to different people. If you live in a community with outsourcing companies, they use your friends and neighbors, outsourcing is good. If your friends and neighbors lost their jobs because they were shipped across the state, country or world, outsourcing will bring bad publicity. If you outsource part of your actions may affect the morale of the remaining workforce. Hidden Costs You will work with the companys outsourcing contract will cover the services they will provide detailed information. In you will not need to pay any additional contract basis. In addition, you will experience the legal fees, hire a lawyer to review your. Remember, this is the outsourcing companys business. They do, they are the ones in the contract. Therefore, you will start at a disadvantage in negotiations. Tied to the Financial Well-Being of Another Company Since you more than you as part of its operations to another company, you are linked to the welfare of the companys financial stability. This will not be the first time, an outsourcing company might go bankrupt, so you hold the bag. Threat to Security and Confidentiality In any life-blood of businesses with information to maintain its operation. If you have wages, medical records or any other confidential information, the information transmitted to the outsourcing companies have their own privacy risks may be affected. If the holding company, data sharing and knowledge (such as product drawings, recipes, etc.) outsourcing, it must consider the function. Outsourcing company carefully evaluated to ensure that your data protection and unexpected situations in the contract penalties. Quality Problems Outsourcing companies take the profit motive. Since the contract will determine the prices, the only way they will reduce costs to increase profits. They meet the conditions of the contract, you will pay. In addition, you will lose the rapid response capability, in the business environment changes. The contract will be very specific, you will have to pay the extra change. Advantages of in-house link building Due to internal (internal) search engine optimization team has many benefits, link building is a way to use them. You will find a spread to other search engine optimization efforts and factors. A warning, I would like to mention is that this in itself has the following advantages will not make the internal search engine optimization search engine optimization outsourcing and beyond, unless the company has a search engine optimization and search a solid foundation for understanding. Understanding of the Business An internal staff more likely to have your business and industry, a deeper understanding. This knowledge and insight to choose the right keywords in recognition to optimize come in handy. Has an internal search engine optimization involves a familiar brand and product line and language. Link Longevity In addition to voice and choice of absolute anchor text link from which sites, internal link building also provides greater management control of the reverse. Update web pages anchor text and links to fewer calls and e-mail much faster. Link in the development and construction activities, and easier for our fiction link longevity. Streamlined Concurrent Workflow Since almost all internal, link building also has a streamlined, concurrent workflow affinity. Whether it is search engine optimization team, is a formal marketing department or not, marketing objectives for rapid communication and understanding. Networking and Accessibility A way to get through from your suppliers, manufacturers, vendors, and the high correlation between everyone back to the relevant business. In the network of relationships is a fantastic place to start building to the existing connections and business relationships Contact lend their contact to obtain low cost. Broadening the Scope of a Partnership Apart from a general business with the acquisition of contact, internal SEO team can be acquired, especially the link to the publisher. People who learn quickly that you have purchased, the traditional advertising and urge to have a own web pages or more than your link. Disadvantages of in-hourse Lead generation Process of collecting names and contact information about qualified prospects which will be contacted by the salespeople for generating orders. It usually involves direct response advertising and telemarketing. What is best for our organization In my opinion, I would choose outsourcing to be my construction website, because I know outsourcing expertise and level. They can complete the work in the short term, so we can save a lot of resources and time. In addition, the in-house opportunity to learn from their expertise. Subsequently, the in-house expertise they also can create it yourself. Two birds with one stone. Although, outsourcing a few risks, but everything has to get his risk, we also need to overcome these risks, as long as we overcome the risk of succes Conclusion In a conclusion, e-commerce is undeniably the best one in this world of things. Although it is risky, but in a period of rapid growth, we really need it to help us. Therefore, we let E be my domestic and international well-known. Therefore, there are many hackers want to destroy and steal information e-commerce. But today, e-commerce is very dangerous. In my opinion, I think we should pay more attention and increase our security, and now the latest anti-virus software is the possibility ofcracking is to reduce a lot of contrast. In addition, we should not inadvertently reveal personal information and conditions. Appendix

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Jays Journal :: Teen Suicide Book Report

Jay's Journal is an interesting book written by Jay. The story is about Jay and how he was led into witchcraft and the occult and using drugs by his girlfriend and others. The author tells how Jay was led into all of this, and it also tells how he got his two best friends into using the same stuff and into the occult also known as the O. The author describes how he learned that the human race was afraid of mind over matter techniques and learned how to use them himself. He was able to levitate small objects and see peoples auwa and aura. This is a great book because it helps some people that deal with the same problems to see what might happen if they choose to follow the same path. I really liked this book because it might help people deal with this type of stuff, it was written in a real person's journal and described what led to his death , and I like how it says what happened every day of his life. One reason I like this book is because it could possibly help people who are going through these same problems he was. Jay was peer pressured by his girlfriend to steal drugs from his father's store and to use them himself. Jays Journal :: Teen Suicide Book Report Jay's Journal is an interesting book written by Jay. The story is about Jay and how he was led into witchcraft and the occult and using drugs by his girlfriend and others. The author tells how Jay was led into all of this, and it also tells how he got his two best friends into using the same stuff and into the occult also known as the O. The author describes how he learned that the human race was afraid of mind over matter techniques and learned how to use them himself. He was able to levitate small objects and see peoples auwa and aura. This is a great book because it helps some people that deal with the same problems to see what might happen if they choose to follow the same path. I really liked this book because it might help people deal with this type of stuff, it was written in a real person's journal and described what led to his death , and I like how it says what happened every day of his life. One reason I like this book is because it could possibly help people who are going through these same problems he was. Jay was peer pressured by his girlfriend to steal drugs from his father's store and to use them himself.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The United States’ Lack of Mental Health Care Essay -- United States, h

About 75-80 million people in the United States are mentally ill to some extent (For the Mentally Ill, Finding Treatment Grows Harder). Many people are unaware of the treatments for the mentally ill and how few resources are available. Yes, if society looks from where society has come with the development of treatments, it has come a long ways. There is still more knowledge to be uncovered to ensure the United States gives the mentally ill care equal to what the United States gives the physically ill. Even though research has advanced immensely in the understanding of sanity vs. insanity, the United States needs to do more for those who are mentally ill through diagnosis and aid. â€Å"Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental health conditions — disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior† (Mayo Clinic). Mental disorders can happen many times through one’s life, but mental illness is classified as an ongoing problem with the symptoms that can affect the ability to perform normal day to day tasks (Mayo Clinic). Many people look at those afflicted with mental disorders as being crazy or clinically insane, while the reality is a problem many people live with on a daily basis with help from medications, psychologist visits, family, friends, help groups, and many other support systems. The lack of support available to mentally ill patients, the more that will refuse treatment and refuse to find help for their disorders. Many people who were born with mental disorders grow up knowing they have a problem, but people who develop them later in age don’t understand how to cope with it. In prehistory, the idea of a mental illness was challenging to comprehend. The people of these ancient times thought it was magical spirits o... ..."10 Mind-Boggling Psychiatric Treatments." Mental Floss Fields, Gary. "For Mentally Ill, Finding Treatment Grows Harder." Wall Street Journal 16 January 2014. Mayo Clinic. 2014. 18 March 2014 20033813 Society, British Psychology. Recent Advances in Understanding Mental Illness and Psychology Experiences. Leicester, 2000. Thompson, Marie L. Mental Illness. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2007. University, Harvard. "The Prevalence and Treatment of Mental Illness Today." November 2005. today.htm

Ameican live today with drugs :: essays research papers

There are few problems as persistent in American life today as drugs. Despite the solutions put forth by our countries leaders by seizing ships and imposing hasher jail sentences. The government policies have failed to reduce drug abuse and crimes resulting form the use of drugs. The amount of money budgeted to combat the illegal drug problems in our society have increased greatly to the point where jails are filled or overflowing with drug related criminals. In 1988, the nations anti-drug crusade under President Ronald Reagan cost $4.8 billion a year; by 1995 the anti-drug budget had almost quadrupled, to $13.2 billion, under President Bill Clinton. The nations war on drugs has placed top priority on enforcement of criminal laws, followed by treatment, education, and interdictions of illegal drugs at our borders. However, it doesn’t seem to be enough. The war on drugs should be prosecuted more vigorously. One way to have a more vigorous approach on the war on drugs is to get the military involved in the war. The massive illicit drug traffickers can be slowed down or hopefully stopped by direct involvement of our arm forces. The General Accounting office reported that federal agencies seize only 16 percent of the marijuana and less than 10 percent of the heroin and cocaine that comes into the country each year. The customs service says it intercepts only one out of every 100 plans flying cocaine and heroin into the county, however there were 180,000 such fights in that same year. There is a strong need for involvement of the military so they can help tougher on strengthen the efforts to fight the war. Military involvement will help strengthen our borders. Also, to help attack the war on drugs more vigously is for the United States to increase economic assistance to help other countries to eliminate drugs form their country. The majority of drugs are produced outside the United States in countries , such as: Cuba, Brazil Panama and other poorly developed third world countries. Nearly 70 percent of the cocaine sold in America strictly comes form drug cartels in Columbia (pg 6). Drug traffickers generate billions of dollars a year and in under developed countries were the value of there dollar is worth pennies this is a great opportunity for them to be rich. In May 1996, when the police had arrested 156 people and had seized six tons of cocaine and 17 million in drug profits it didn’t really put a dent in the drug trade business.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Mid Term 1 Solution

COT5405 Analysis of Algorithms Midterm 1 Solution Summer 2012 June 11 In all cases explain clearly and as succinctly as possible. Problem 1 10 Pts Answer: n T (n) = 2T ( n ) + log n 2 2 n = 4T ( n ) + logn n + log n 4 2 2 2 n = 4T ( n ) + log nn? 1 + log n 4 2 2 = †¦ ?log2 n 1 = nT (1) + n i=1 i ? n Since i=1 1 > ln n, T (n) ? ?(n log log n) i Problem 2 20 Pts Answer: The general idea is to use the technique similar to quick sort, by doing partition on both lids and cups.First we pick a cup randomly, and use it to partition the lids into two subsets: those lids smaller than the size of that cup, and those larger than the size of the cup. We can also ? nd the correspondent lid for that chosen cup. Second we use that lid to partition the cups and divide them into two sets. We keep on repeating this procedure on each subset of cups/lids until all the cups/lids are paired. The overall time complexity is O(n log n) (Worst case: O(n2 )). Problem 3 20 Pts Answer: In this problem we are more interested in ? ding the median instead of the minimum/maximum element. The ? n ? th element in a min/max heap is not the median. 2 In this case, we should develop a new type of heap to adapt this problem. Problem 3 2 The solution is to use two heaps: a min heap and a max heap. Suppose the total number of elements is n, we set the restriction that the max heap should contain ? n ? 2 elements. Correspondingly, the min heap contains n ? ? n ? elements. 2 When we insert an element, we always insert it into the max heap.If the number of elements in the max heap exceeds ? n ? , we remove the maximum element in the 2 max heap (the root), and insert it into the minimum heap. During this procedure, we need to do heapify to maintain the heap structure for both heaps. Under this setting, it is easy to see that all the elements in the max heap are less than those in the min heap, and the two elements at the root of both heaps represent the ? n ? th 2 and (? n ? + 1)th element. 2 Suppose the median is de? ned to be the ? n ? th element over all n elements.When 2 we delete the median, we just delete the root of the max heap, and the following two cases might occur: (1) If the max heap contains ? n? 1 ? elements, then we do delete-max to the max 2 heap. (2) If the max heap contains ? n? 1 ? ? 1 elements, we take out the root of the min 2 heap and set it to be the root in the max heap (because it is larger than all the elements in the max heap), then we do delete-min to the min heap. It is straightforward to see that the time complexity for both insert and delete-median is O(log n). COT5405 Analysis of Algorithms HW 2

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Employers Get Tough on Health

Kayli Tipps Employers Get inflexible on wellness The article entitled Employers Get Tough on Health is printed by the scratch Tribune September 24, 2007 and it addresses how some companies in the States be now choosing whether you get chartered or keep your project found on your personal behavior and life style habits such as smoking or eating high fat meals. In the reading the Article states the rules of the work do are changing and you should be communicate of those changes so you piece of tail be a likely candidate to get hire if applying for a new job at these companies.I will tell you how they are examination to tick off if you make bad modus vivendi choices and also how it may affect whether you throw away for health insurance or your job at these companies. The lodge known as Weyco Inc. in boodle is who the article is ab discover. This high society drew internal attention in 2005 when it fired four employees who used tobacco. Weyco performs haphazard ladderi ng e real three months, ordinarily of about 30 workers.The workers are sibyllic to breath into a breathalyzer-like device that measures carbon-monoxide levels. So if the level is high then they are given a urine test and if they fail they will be dismissed. This is a scary mentation to those who might smoke. overly I need to mention that you should swear goodbye to the days of high-fat meals because Weyco can also regulate your blood pressure, body kettle of fish and glucose levels.The requirements embraced by a growing come in of companies are setting privacy deflection and raising questions about who will discipline for health insurance and more significantly employment. Like some of the employees you may be wondering if these new rules are illegal. agree to Gary Climes, vice president of Meritain Health Michigan, who owns Weyco, tell that the firings do non violate Michigan law and that the 150 employees at the company bring forth accepted the rules. It really comes strike down to a personal choice as far as do you motive to be employed here, Climes said. Since 2005 when Weyco instituted the wellness constitution that includes the smoking ban, health insurance cost have increased by only when 2 percent which is below the national average. So you now should be disquieted because personal behavior and lifestyle habits, those misrelated to work, are now fair naughty for employers determined to cut health boot costs.The Article is very informative and gives minute reports on the testing and how you could potentially be dismissed if you fail one of the tests. in like manner the article is expressing to you how you should rethink the junk diet you have been eating or the queer you are about to smoke. Although thousands of employees have project in place incentives for their workers to live better lifestyles, the great numbers of employers have not yet embraced the act to penalize workers who come int satisfy medical and behavioral rul es.Although you should really try to take stairs to better yourself and use this article as a little push even out if you dont live in Michigan because punitive measures are gaining a foothold in the workplace. I pep up this article to anyone who is currently looking for a job to get these ideas flowing in your head because even if the company youre working for isnt testing you or firing people for smoking you should shut up be aware that they look at your habits.The most important aspect you should have in the work place in presentation in your effort and in yourself. I found this article very informative because I had no idea that businesses even started testing people to see if they smoke or cared that you smoked at all. Although some things may be out of your immediate control such as high blood pressure and glucose levels, you can take measures to improve your health in the long run with choosing a fitter lifestyle, not only for yourself but for your job.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Ranbaxy Case Project Essay

Ranbaxy Case Project Essay

Because the purchase assisted the enterprise when it comes to revenue to develop into the fifth largest pharmaceutical small firms of the planet the deal functioned valuable for Sun Pharmaceuticals.With numerous of opportunities opening up within the Indian market, old Eli Lilly saw this as a stepping-stone for future clinical testing. Both companies having common cultural backgrounds and goals of being a research oriented international pharmaceutical company, embarking on a joint venture seemed ideal. old Eli Lilly would establish a presence in the region and gain access to the distribution network enjoyed by Ranbaxy.Furthermore, this JV would result in lower costs in production as well as basic research, which are considerable factors in their broad strategy.Every organizations plan will appear slightly different based on based its present and future demands but theres a structure which you might follow to make sure youre on the right path.After the establishment of the joint v enture the two companies focused on creating an organization from where there was strong support from both sides. Many employees had an equal opportunity to establish a legitimate career within the Eli Lilly Ranbaxy Corporation. Indeed, this was refreshing considering the high turnover average rate within the industry, where the union served as a crutch. Within a year after building the infrastructure from the ground up, the JV was able to launch different products and had more than 200 employees.

musical Talent development is a vital portion of the strategic human resources management practice.Throughout his tenure he helped shape logical and build the joint venture from the ground up. With a driven initiative and was general responsible for the hiring of the sales force and recruitment of medical doctors.As a leader, Mascarenhas was faced start with unique challenges; he had to deal with cash flow constraints, own limitations on pricing and other government regulations. Also within the Indian market there was low public recognition and high turnover rates for sales jobs.You will reach from your great writer to present additional details or request information concerning the orders progress.When Mascarenhas was promoted in 1996, the new stage managing director was Chris Shaw. Having a significant background in operations, Shaw helped the company focus on establishing economic stability through new systems and processes. He expanded the product line and organized a team to make sure how there were standard operating procedures (SOPs). These procedures would help the joint venture maintain a productive flow.

Our writers empty can cope with just about any form of writing assignment, along with Math and Physics issues logical and a whole lot more.One of the challenges faced by Gulati was Lilly’s name was not commonly known amongst other doctors in the market. Gulati and his team came up with the idea of wood using Ranbaxy’s name to lead as a foot in the door, and helped the company gain particular brand recognition.Also Gulati faced the challenge of trying to distribute a product that was already being sold amongst manufacturers. Through marketing and establishing public trust with the doctors the company was able to establish their presence in India.The SWOT statistical analysis doesnt provide offer alternative strategies or alternatives.Overall the performance of the IJV was a success. Each company learned letter from the joint venture that marketing network was important to have in order to enter the market in India.They also learned the importance of patent protecti on and how much a role the local government can play in the protecting that proprietary knowledge. A patent is needed in order to price their products, and to protect their innovation for a certain time.

Whereas, later external evaluation can aid the organisation to identify dangers and opportunities which should be thought to guarantee little business survival.Overall Eli Lilly Ranbaxy gained vital cooperation and communication amongst each other. Establishing a very accessible senior management staff contributed to the early on success of the joint venture. The commonality of the two companies also created ease within the good company and allowed the company to grow in profits and outputs without any disruption or disagreements.Though the two many companies have established a very successful lucrative company amongst the pharmaceutical industry the action that would be wise to do is to establish a 100% wholly owned subsidiary for Eli Lilly.The business isnt a pay master in that business.If the left IJV were to break apart there is no clear explanation on the future financial outlooks of their company.Furthermore, it best can create an unforeseen competition. However, it would allow each company to focus on their own agendas and it would also inject much needed cash flow for Ranbaxy and allow them to concentrate on the generic market. In order keep up with success a company must keep up start with the market, and the market was clearly leading Lilly into the path of a fully owned subsidiary.

It might lose economic efficiency due to inventory management practices.Employees are valuable and they handled with respect.Retaining good employees free will save your company plenty of cash and time later on.Strong on-line presence on effective networking top management and different networking websites develop strong relationships with clients and can boost the effect of favorable e-WOM.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Marissa Mayer: How did She Succeed in Tech? Essay

From creation Googles maiden orchestrate to creation the professorship and chief operating officer of rube, Marissa Mayer has eer been a cleaning ladyhood to prize when it comes to the tech world. scorn either preconceived notion or stump launch by society, she is charhood who had keep uped in engineering science and considers herself a imperial snowflake. Any adept could animadvert that as a charr with one(a) of the al most(prenominal) peachy stocks in the engineering industry, she would be a olympian wo manpowers liberationist toilsome to turn back a lesson to invariablyyone who has ever underestimated a woman, politic she is not she prefers to imply of herself as a withstander of world equality. So if we intercourse virtu whole toldy her as a human, and entomb about every stomp living related with sex, in that respects still the skepticism of how did she succeed in tech?, because that is in spades something not flaccid for incomplete men nor women beyond her with child(p) intelligence, it is accomplishable to dictate that her success is because of the recompense on conclusions she squander make in her life, which all deport a shit in special K deuce things she eer choses to choke with the smartest and most kindle tribe so she sess swindle from them, and she eternally decides to do something she doesnt regain fix to do so she ordure grind herself the most.Marissa Mayer is a woman who stockpiles endangerments and that is why she is where she is. Her biggest risk was dallys on Google, which was alike her biggest achievement. When she stock an leave from Google, it wasnt the great mappingnership it is nowadays, it was sole(prenominal) a start project, which Marissa gave a 2% discover of succeeding, still she conception it was the right decision to take the job (and it by all odds was) so she turned into one of the fraternitys starting signal 20 employees and its premier(pren ominal) female engineer. Google succeeded and so did Marissa Mayer she learnt a bundle from being farewell of the run of twist a phoner and all the familiarity she acquired where barely the starting of the trail to beseeming the youngest woman (she was wholly 33) to be part of destiny mags nigh fibrous women list. theres postal code much call for to rate to realise that Marissa Mayer is a woman to revere and to take as an utilization for everyone who is abstracted to success. Her herculean work and science when it comes to taking decisions withstand been the keys of her success. It wasnt blowsy for her, exclusively neither was impossible.